LED Large Screens are big bright screens that allow to reproduce videos and images via computer or video processor scaler, and are nowadays one of the most effective, dynamic and impactful forms of advertising.


LedWall INDOOR for fixed installations


LedWall INDOOR for temporary installations


LedWall INDOOR for fixed or temporary installations


LedWall INDOOR for transparent installations


LedWall INDOOR for curved installations


LedWall INDOOR for creative installations

Airport Info

Airport Large Information Screens

Fly view now™ is an innovative product designed specifically for airports. it consists of a large video panel, typically positioned in the arrivals hall, through which, thanks to the specific software developed by our company, people can intuitively locate the flight they are waiting for on a geographical map, in real time.

What is the innovation?

The increasing use of satellite navigators in cars has accustomed people to see accurate positions on a map thanks to GPS. For this reason, it’s intuitive and reassuring for users to locate on a map the position of the plane they’re waiting for. Moreover, thanks to information concerning the plane’s distance from the airport, both in terms of kilometers and minutes, they can get a precise idea of how long they will have to wait for the arriving traveler.


EasySpot­™ is a new sales tool in the sports marketing industry, designed to complement traditional sales methods in order to facilitate the marketing managers of sports clubs and reach any investor, anywhere in the world.

Today, the sports advertising market is dealing with two main challenges: for sports clubs, the fragmentation of the advertising offer, which prevents entry into the advertising market at national and international level and often results in a large number of unsold or undersold spaces (and therefore not at all or not very profitable) and for investors, the difficulty in being able to create customized campaigns that meet their needs.

EasySpot­™, a dynamic web platform, was created to break down these barriers by offering—this being the most innovative aspect of this tool—the possibility to create an aggregate offer of advertising spaces by combining them in packages that each investor can compose in an intuitive way and in full autonomy, deciding the amount of the investment, the duration of the campaign and its territorial coverage.

The direct consequence of this sales method is an enhanced accessibility to advertising spaces by investors and, therefore, a better economic result from advertising for sports clubs that rely on EasySpot­™.

Contact us for more information! We will be happy to give you further details on the EasySpot­™ platform.


Berteled™ is based on a revolutionary concept, as it’s designed to display video images on large outdoor surfaces in full daylight.

Berteled™ is a video display consisting of a mesh of stainless steel wires, at the intersections of which are hyper-pixels.
It is therefore very different from the traditional screens that we are used to seeing in stadiums or squares, consisting of rigid boards.


The reliability and quality of Berteled™ are ensured by the company’s thirty years of experience in designing and manufacturing LED screens.

Berteled™ has been designed to cover large areas of buildings. It differs from other solutions insofar as, despite being a semi-transparent product, it is positioned outside. It is suitable for both fixed and temporary installations (e.g. hanging from a crane).

Construction concept
Berteled™ has a modular structure. Each module consists of a metal cylinder, which contains the electronic components. Long stainless steel wires are connected to these cylinders, to which the hyper-pixels are attached.

Its structure, made of steel wire, offers the best ratio between weight and mechanical resistance. Berteled™ is therefore characterized by an exceptional surface to weight ratio.
Thanks to its extreme lightness, it can be suspended and, where necessary, also fixed at the bottom.
It can be placed between two buildings, under an airship or, if positioned horizontally, it can even form the vaulted ceiling of a structure.

Each light element has been designed to be visible in full daylight. Reliability over time is a key characteristic of the construction concept. For this purpose, every single hyper-pixel is equipped with natural internal ventilation that prevents overheating in the sun and increases the benefits and durability of the excellent LED used.

Maximum attention has been given to counteracting the intense sunlight. The hyper-pixel is equipped with a large canopy that shields the LED emitters from the sun, while maintaining excellent visibility from any position you look at it.

Flexibility and Semi-transparency
Being built on a flexible structure, Berteled™ adapts to any surface on which it is placed, even curved.
Depending on the model, the non-transparent area covers only 1/5 to 1/10 of the entire surface.

Berteled™ is lightweight but extremely robust, thanks to its structure consisting of a mesh of steel wires. This special metal wire consists of a copper core and a stainless steel outer part. This kind of cable combines the strength of stainless steel (400 kg per cable) with the excellent electrical conductivity of copper.

Berteled™ is available in a range of versions, each with different visual resolutions. For each installation, you can choose the most suitable visual resolution.


Double-sided screen
Berteled™ is available as a double-sided version, providing a display area on both sides.

Easy maintenance
In designing Berteled™, we paid special attention to maintenance.
Central tube: can be opened on two sides for easy access to internal components. Each tube is equipped with only one control circuit board, which can be easily replaced.
Pixel: any damage to a single element can be easily repaired. The pixel shell can be opened and the light element can be replaced.
Each LED can be easily replaced, since it is not immersed in a sealing resin that prevents its removal.

Berteled™ is a worldwide patented product.



Indoor and outdoor electronic scoreboards specifically designed for sports.

New LED technology. The special nylon frontal cover with horizontal elements in relief allows for perfect visibility even under bright sunlight.

Since all light components are shielded from the sun, a high visual contrast is ensured.


Scoreboards Multisport INDOOR


Scoreboards Multisport INDOOR


Scoreboards Multisport INDOOR

Video Led

Scoreboards Multisport INDOOR


Scoreboards INDOOR


Scoreboards OUTDOOR


Scoreboards OUTDOOR


Scoreboards OUTDOOR

American Football

Scoreboards OUTDOOR


Scoreboards OUTDOOR

Field Hockey

Scoreboards OUTDOOR